5 Steps for your garden centre
1. Tell your preferred grower that you want Wave and lots of them.
Remember to preorder early for the best selection.
2. Always sell Wave in Pink packaging.
Wave Pink pots and packs ...
- Maintain the premium product image of the Wave brand.
- Promote greater sell-through – Pink packaging outsells black 6 to 1!
- Wave Petunias are the only petunias that can be marketed in Pink packaging.
TIP: Growers and Retailers: Order Pink packaging from several plastics manufacturers.
Download Packaging Manufacturers
3. Give customer more Wave colours.
60% of consumers surveyed want more Wave Petunia and Cool Wave Pansy colours to choose from.
4. Let them take home Wave earlier and later.
Send the right series to market at the right time with more colour choices. Expand your retail footprint! The Wave brand offers multi-season sales. Be sure to rotate basic colours with more novel colors throughout the selling season.
- Early season: E3 Easy Wave and Shock Wave Petunias in premium pots, packs and hanging baskets. Cool Wave Pansies in pots and hanging baskets.
- Main season: Easy Wave Petunias in 306 premium packs, pots and hanging baskets. Wave Petunias in pots.
- Mid- to late-season: Tidal Wave Petunias in larger pots. Cool Wave Pansies in pots and hanging baskets.
5. Tell shoppers you carry Wave with banners and signs.
Attract attention and drive retail traffic with Wave merchandising tools and POP.