Medal of Excellence Reader's Choice
Impatiens Beacon® Bright RedImpatiens Beacon® Lindau MixtureImpatiens Beacon® LipstickImpatiens Beacon® OrangeImpatiens Beacon® Pearl Island MixtureImpatiens Beacon® Portland MixtureImpatiens Beacon® RoseImpatiens Beacon® SalmonImpatiens Beacon® Sanibel MixtureImpatiens Beacon® Violet ShadesImpatiens Beacon® White
Medal of Excellence Best Program
Edible Potted Pepper Fresh Bites OrangeEdible Potted Pepper Fresh Bites RedEdible Potted Pepper Fresh Bites YellowEdible Potted Pepper CosmoEdible Potted Pepper Hot BurritoEdible Potted Pepper Hot FajitaEdible Potted Pepper Hot Lemon ZestEdible Potted Pepper TamaleEdible Potted Pepper TaquitoTomato Micro TomEdible Potted Tomato CocoaEdible Potted Tomato Red VelvetEdible Potted Tomato Siam
National Garden Bureau Green Thumb Award
Edible Potted Cucumber Quick SnackBasil Everleaf LemonPepper Candy Cane Chocolate CherryTomato Sun Dipper
Medal of Excellence Editor's Choice
Spreading Pansy Cool Wave® FrostSpreading Pansy Cool Wave® MixtureSpreading Pansy Cool Wave® Violet WingSpreading Pansy Cool Wave® White
Medal of Excellence Industry's Choice
Echinacea Artisan™ Collection Red OmbreEchinacea Artisan™ Collection Soft OrangeImpatiens Beacon® Bright RedImpatiens Beacon® Lindau MixtureImpatiens Beacon® LipstickImpatiens Beacon® OrangeImpatiens Beacon® Pearl Island MixtureImpatiens Beacon® Portland MixtureImpatiens Beacon® RoseImpatiens Beacon® SalmonImpatiens Beacon® Sanibel MixtureImpatiens Beacon® Violet ShadesImpatiens Beacon® WhiteInterspecific Impatiens Solarscape® Magenta BlissInterspecific Impatiens Solarscape® Orange BurstInterspecific Impatiens Solarscape® XL Salmon GlowPetchoa Caliburst™ YellowVinca Tattoo™ Black CherryVinca Tattoo™ PapayaVinca Tattoo™ RaspberryVinca Tattoo™ Tangerine
Medal of Excellence Best Performing Variety
Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit
Fleuroselect Gold Medal
Celosia Foliage, Sol™ Gekko GreenCoreopsis Early SunriseCosmos Sonata™ WhiteEchinacea Cheyenne SpiritGaillardia Mesa™ YellowGaura Sparkle WhiteLavandula Bandera PurpleLavandula Ellagance PurpleLeucanthemum MadonnaNemesia Sundrops MixtureOsteospermum Akila® Daisy WhiteSpreading Petunia Tidal Wave® Red VelourSpreading Petunia Wave® LavenderRudbeckia GoldblitzViola Sorbet® XP Delft BlueZinnia Double Zahara™ FireZinnia Zahara® Sunburst
Fleuroselect Novelty
Alyssum Clear Crystal® WhiteCelosia Foliage, Sol™ Gekko GreenCelosia Foliage, Sol™ Lizzard LeafCoreopsis Double the SunDigitalis Dalmatian PurpleHeuchera Melting FireIberis WhiteoutLavandula Bandera Deep PurpleLavandula Bandera Deep RoseLavandula Bandera PurpleLeucanthemum MadonnaLobelia Regatta RoseLobelia Riviera WhiteFrench Marigold Bonanza™ Deep OrangeOrnamental Pepper Black PearlPerovskia Blue SteelPerovskia BluesetteSpreading Petunia Tidal Wave® Red VelourSalvia New Dimension™ RoseSalvia Salvatore BlueVinca Pacifica XP Burgundy HaloZinnia Double Zahara™ Bright OrangeZinnia Double Zahara™ CherryZinnia Double Zahara™ FireZinnia Double Zahara™ WhiteZinnia Zahara® Starlight RoseZinnia Zahara® Sunburst
All-America Selections Gold Medal Winner
Ornamental Millet Purple Majesty
All-America Selections
Angelonia Serenita® PinkColeus, Premium Sun Coral CandyCoreopsis Early SunriseDianthus Ideal Select™ VioletInterspecific Dianthus Jolt™ PinkEchinacea Cheyenne SpiritEchinacea PowWow® Wild BerryEggplant Fairy TaleEggplant GretelEggplant HanselGaillardia Mesa™ YellowGaura Sparkle WhiteBasil Dolce FrescaBasil Purple RufflesDill FernleafInterspecific Impatiens Solarscape® XL Pink JewelOsteospermum Akila® Daisy WhitePepper Aji RicoPepper Cajun BellePepper Mad HatterOrnamental Pepper Black PearlOrnamental Pepper Chilly ChiliDouble Petunia Pirouette PurpleSpreading Petunia Tidal Wave® Red VelourSpreading Petunia Tidal Wave® SilverSpreading Petunia Wave® Carmine VelourSpreading Petunia Wave® LavenderSpreading Petunia Wave® Purple ClassicSnapdragon Rocket BronzeSnapdragon Rocket GoldenSnapdragon Rocket RedSnapdragon Rocket Rose ShadesSnapdragon Rocket WhiteSquash Green Lightning™Tomato Candyland RedTomato Midnight SnackVinca Pacifica XP Burgundy HaloZinnia Double Zahara™ CherryZinnia Double Zahara™ FireZinnia Zahara® Starlight Rose
All-America Selections Regional
Echinacea Artisan™ Collection Yellow OmbreEggplant Patio BabyPepper Pot-a-peño
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit
Alyssum Easter Bonnet VioletDianthus Amazon™ Neon PurpleDianthus Amazon™ Rose MagicDianthus Dynasty OrchidDianthus Ideal Select™ RoseDianthus Ideal Select™ WhiteFireDianthus Sweet™ CoralDianthus Sweet™ Scarlet