Smarter Scheduling
Your greenhouse temperatures and light levels are key factors in predicting that first open flower. To simplify the guesswork, and meet tight market shipping windows, PanAmerican Seed has partnered with university floriculture teams* on a new Smart Scheduling Tool.
Based on scientific research, the Smart Scheduling Tool can simplify your Wave Petunias planning. Choose from the list of researched crops below to begin planning your smartest season yet. Provide Temperature and Daily Light Integrals (DLI) to pinpoint weeks-to-flower data and help you grow and ship successfully.
Further information about DLI can be found at these and other websites:
Measuring Daily Light Integral in a Greenhouse - Purdue University
Daily Light Integral (DLI) Maps - Michigan State University
*Weeks to finish are from transplant to first open flower using a three-week-old plug.
*Temperature range limited to 54 to 75°F (12 to 24°C) and DLI range limited to 5 to 14 mol∙m–2∙d–1.
Special Notes:
The plugs and finish plants were grown under a 16-hour photoperiod. Flowering may be delayed under shorter photoperiods.
Three-week-old 288 cell plugs with 6-9 leaves were transplanted into 4"/10cm pots.
One week after transplant, plants received a 4 ppm paclobutrazol drench at 2 oz per container. PGR applications at higher rates, especially at flower initiation, can delay flowering.
*Weeks to finish are from transplant to first open flower using a four-week-old plug.
*Temperature range limited to 56 to 75°F (13 to 24°C) and DLI range limited to 5 to 14 mol∙m–2∙d–1.
DLIs lower than 14 mol∙m–2∙d–1 at a temperature of 56°F are out of range.
Special Notes:
The plugs and finish plants were grown under a 16-hour photoperiod. Flowering may be delayed under shorter photoperiods. Four-week-old 288-cell plugs with 4-6 leaves were transplanted into 4.5"/11.4cm pots.
One week after transplant, plants received a 2.5 ppm paclobutrazol drench at 2 oz per container. PGR applications at higher rates, especially at flower initiation, can delay flowering.
* Wave Petunia data provided by a collaboration with the floriculture research team at Michigan State University: Dr. Erik Runkle, Cathy Whitman, Annika Kohler, Heather Greyerbiehl, Tasneem Vaid, Nate DuRussel, and Mike Olrich, along with Dr. Sonali Padhye of PanAmerican Seed.