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Protection Information

U.S. Utility Patents

US 10,212,908 Vinca Titan™ Apricot Vinca Titan™ Cranberry Vinca Titan™ Dark Red Vinca Titan™ Icy Pink Vinca Titan™ Punch Vinca Titan™ Really Red Vinca Titan™ Rose Vinca Titan-ium™ Apricot Vinca Titan-ium™ Blush Vinca Titan-ium™ Dark Red Vinca Titan-ium™ Punch Vinca Titan-ium™ Really Red Vinca Titan-ium™ White Vinca Titan-ium™ Mixture US 10,285,362 Impatiens Beacon® Blue Pearl Impatiens Beacon® Bright Red Impatiens Beacon® Coral Improved Impatiens Beacon® Light Pink Impatiens Beacon® Lipstick Impatiens Beacon® Orange Impatiens Beacon® Rose Impatiens Beacon® Salmon Impatiens Beacon® Violet Shades Impatiens Beacon® White Impatiens Beacon® Cape Pine Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Chicago Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Formula Mixture Improved Impatiens Beacon® Lindau Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Otway Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Pearl Island Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Portland Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Sanibel Mixture US 10,631,515 Pentas Glitterati™ Purple Star Pentas Glitterati™ Red Star US 10,750,692 French Marigold Fireball French Marigold Strawberry Blonde US 11,166,424 Impatiens Beacon® Blue Pearl Impatiens Beacon® Bright Red Impatiens Beacon® Coral Improved Impatiens Beacon® Light Pink Impatiens Beacon® Lipstick Impatiens Beacon® Orange Impatiens Beacon® Rose Impatiens Beacon® Salmon Impatiens Beacon® Violet Shades Impatiens Beacon® White Impatiens Beacon® Cape Pine Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Chicago Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Formula Mixture Improved Impatiens Beacon® Lindau Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Otway Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Pearl Island Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Portland Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Sanibel Mixture US 11,559,016 Vinca Valiant™ Magenta US 11,684,031 Vinca Valiant™ Apricot Vinca Valiant™ Mixture US 7,642,436 Petunia Sophistica® Antique Shades Petunia Sophistica® Blackberry Petunia Sophistica® Lime Bicolor Petunia Sophistica® Lime Green Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Berry Velour Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Burgundy Velour Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Navy Velour Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Red Velour Spreading Petunia Tidal Wave® Red Velour Spreading Petunia Wave® Carmine Velour US 7,915,504 Alyssum Clear Crystal® Lavender Shades Alyssum Clear Crystal® Purple Shades Alyssum Clear Crystal® White Alyssum Clear Crystal® Mixture US 7,982,110 Echinacea Artisan™ Collection Red Ombre Echinacea Artisan™ Collection Soft Orange Echinacea Artisan™ Collection Yellow Ombre Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea PowWow® Wild Berry US 9,301,465 Ornamental Pepper Hot Pops Purple US 9,307,712 Ornamental Pepper Hot Pops Yellow US 9,320,212 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Gold French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,326,464 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Harmony French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,326,465 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Yellow French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,326,466 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Spry French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,326,467 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Orange French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,326,468 French Marigold Hot Pak™ Flame French Marigold Hot Pak™ Mixture US 9,451,748 Vinca Valiant™ Burgundy Vinca Valiant™ Mixture US 9,451,749 Vinca Valiant™ Mixture US 9,451,750 Vinca Valiant™ Orchid US 9,451,751 Vinca Valiant™ Punch Vinca Valiant™ Mixture US 9,451,752 Vinca Valiant™ Lilac Vinca Valiant™ Mixture

U.S. Plant Variety Protections

Coleus, Premium Shade Kong® Red - 200500015 Coleus, Premium Shade Kong® Rose - 200500017 Coleus, Premium Shade Kong® Salmon Pink - 200900035 Coreopsis SunKiss - 201700014 Cuphea Pink Shimmer - 201800290 French Marigold Bonanza™ Bolero - 201800074 French Marigold Bonanza™ Deep Orange - 201800517 French Marigold Flamenco - 202000034 Matthiola Katz Ruby - 201200438 Myosotis Mon Amie Blue - 200800070 Ornamental Oregano Kirigami - 201800057 Ornamental Pepper Black Pearl - 200500020 Salvia interspecific Big Blue - 201700218 Vinca Mediterranean XP Dark Red - 200900043 Vinca Mediterranean XP Hot Rose - 200900084 Vinca Mediterranean XP Peach - 200900080 Vinca Mediterranean XP Red - 200900081 Vinca Mediterranean XP Strawberry - 200900083 Vinca Mediterranean XP White - 200900053 Vinca Pacifica XP Burgundy Halo - 200700272 Vinca Pacifica XP Dark Red - 200600189 Vinca Pacifica XP Magenta Halo - 200500216 Vinca Pacifica XP Really Red - 200600190 Vinca Tattoo™ American Pie Mixture - 200600190 Vinca Pacifica XP Rose Halo - 200500218 Vinca Tattoo™ Black Cherry - 201800427 Vinca Tattoo™ Blueberry - 202100168 Vinca Tattoo™ American Pie Mixture - 202100168 Vinca Tattoo™ Orange - 202200007 Vinca Tattoo™ Papaya - 201800424 Vinca Tattoo™ Raspberry - 201800426 Vinca Tattoo™ Tangerine - 201800425 Vinca Pacifica XP Really Red - 200600190 Vinca Tattoo™ American Pie Mixture - 200600190 Vinca Tattoo™ Blueberry - 202100168 Vinca Tattoo™ American Pie Mixture - 202100168 Zinnia Double Zahara™ Cherry - 201600027 Zinnia Double Zahara™ Fire - 201600032 Zinnia Double Zahara™ Raspberry Ripple - 201800173 Zinnia Double Zahara™ Salmon - 201900097 Zinnia Double Zahara™ Yellow - 202000360 Zinnia Zahara® Cherry - 201600029 Zinnia Zahara® Fire - 201000090 Zinnia Zahara® Raspberry - 201500215 Zinnia Zahara® Red - 201600030 Zinnia Zahara® White - 201400297 Zinnia Zahara® Yellow - 201500214

European Community Plant Breeder's Rights

Celosia Neo™ Orange - 44055 Celosia Neo™ Pink - 43694 Celosia Neo™ Rose - 43693 Coreopsis SunKiss - 46544 Echinacea PowWow® Wild Berry - 35233 Heuchera Melting Fire - 20557 Lavandula Blue Spear - 57923 Lavandula Lavance Deep Purple - 48822 Salvia interspecific Big Blue - 49559

European Community Utility Patents

EP 3224371 French Marigold Fireball French Marigold Strawberry Blonde

European Community Utility Patents Applied For

Impatiens Beacon® Blue Pearl Impatiens Beacon® Bright Red Impatiens Beacon® Coral Improved Impatiens Beacon® Light Pink Impatiens Beacon® Lipstick Impatiens Beacon® Orange Impatiens Beacon® Rose Impatiens Beacon® Salmon Impatiens Beacon® Violet Shades Impatiens Beacon® White Impatiens Beacon® Cape Pine Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Chicago Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Formula Mixture Improved Impatiens Beacon® Lindau Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Otway Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Pearl Island Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Portland Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Sanibel Mixture Petunia Sophistica® Antique Shades Petunia Sophistica® Blackberry Petunia Sophistica® Lime Bicolor Petunia Sophistica® Lime Green Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Berry Velour Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Burgundy Velour Spreading Petunia Easy Wave® Red Velour Spreading Petunia Tidal Wave® Red Velour Spreading Petunia Wave® Carmine Velour

Canada Utility Patents Applied For

Impatiens Beacon® Blue Pearl Impatiens Beacon® Bright Red Impatiens Beacon® Coral Improved Impatiens Beacon® Light Pink Impatiens Beacon® Lipstick Impatiens Beacon® Orange Impatiens Beacon® Rose Impatiens Beacon® Salmon Impatiens Beacon® Violet Shades Impatiens Beacon® White Impatiens Beacon® Cape Pine Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Chicago Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Formula Mixture Improved Impatiens Beacon® Lindau Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Otway Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Pearl Island Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Portland Mixture Impatiens Beacon® Sanibel Mixture

UK Plant Breeder’s Rights

Celosia Neo™ Orange - 44055 Celosia Neo™ Pink - 43694 Celosia Neo™ Rose - 43693 Coreopsis SunKiss - 46544 Echinacea PowWow® Wild Berry - 35233 Heuchera Melting Fire - 20557 Lavandula Blue Spear - 35498 Lavandula Lavance Deep Purple - 48822 Salvia interspecific Big Blue - 49559
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