Don’t Miss IPM 2020
Denise van Kampen former EU marketing associate
Don’t forget to stop by the colourful booth of PanAmerican Seed during your visit to the IPM Essen 2020 in January; we’ll be showing multiple eyecatchers!

As in other years, you can recognize our booth by its unique colours and design. Some of the fantastic products displayed will include the revolutionary Impatiens Beacon®.
Impatiens Beacon offers high resistance to the currently known and widely prevalent populations of Plasmopara obducens, which cause Impatiens downy mildew. This new series also offers similar plant structure, flowering time, flower size and crop culture to Impatiens Super Elfin® and DeZire®, so they are easy to include in production.
Other products that will be shown during this edition of IPM are introductions for spring. Check out the entire Osteospermum Akila® Series, including the popular Grand Canyon Mixture and the NEW Sunset Shades – a gorgeous mix of the colours of the setting sun. PanAmerican Seed will also pay extra attention to perennials this year. You can find the Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner Leucanthemum Madonna and the wonderful Salvia Salvatore Blue at Hall 2, Stand 2B29.

Visit our “New Products” page to get more sneak peeks at the latest quality seed introductions. To register for IPM Essen 2020, visit