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2026 New Variety!
Potomac™ Plumblossom Bloom Potomac™ Plumblossom Single Stem, White Background Potomac™ Plumblossom Grower Bunch

Snapdragon Potomac™ Plumblossom

Seed supplied as: Raw.

Snaps second to none
PanAmerican Seed is the world leading supplier of F1 forcing snaps, with an unsurpassed choice of top-producing varieties selected for stem and flower quality, photoperiodic response and earliness to flower. With selections streamlined into 4 flowering response groups – including our popular Potomac family – you’ll find it a “snap” to build an all-year program of successful growing.

(Group 3,4)

Stem length: 39 to 60 in./99 to 152 cm
Planting density: 6 to 10 plants/ft2 (64 to 106) plants/m2; high-density planting under high-light or field situation
Best for: Greenhouse, high tunnel

Plug crop time: 4 to 5 weeks
Transplant to finish: 8 to 10 weeks; less than optimal crop season may affect finishing time for a duration of up to 18 weeks; refer to the PanAmerican Seed Product Information Guide at for details

  • Tops for production during periods of high light, long days and warm temperatures.
  • Plants produce tall, strong stems and long spikes with good flower quality. 
  • Can be grown year-round with supplemental high-intensity light.

In-demand colour shares all the features that have made Potomac the top series in snapdragons.

Contact sales for more information

Your PanAmerican Seed regional sales team is here to assist you in finding plants to fit your programme. Contact us for product recommendations.

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Plant Information

Scientific Name : Antirrhinum majus

Common Name : Snapdragon, Cut Flower

Blooming Season : Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer

Plant Habit : Upright

Height : 39 - 60" (99 - 152cm)

Exposure : Sun


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