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Cool Wave<sup>®</sup> Frost Basket Cool Wave<sup>®</sup> Frost Bloom Cool Wave<sup>®</sup> Frost Container Cool Wave<sup>®</sup> Frost Displays

Spreading Pansy Cool Wave® Frost

Seed supplied as: Primed.

Twice the spread…double the colour!
Wow 'em with Cool Wave – hands down, it’s the best pansy ever™ for Spring and Autumn! One trip to the garden centre for lush baskets or plants to use in the garden is enough to convince anyone that Cool Wave is a cool-season gardener’s dream. It’s the fastest-growing, longest-lasting, truly trailing pansy™ you can grow!

Plug crop time: 4 to 5 weeks
Transplant to finish: Spring 6 to 7 weeks, Autumn 4 to 5 weeks

  • Delivers easy spreading colour™ for Spring and Autumn, so you can extend your growing and selling season for the popular Wave® brand.
  • More vigorous, with the most prostrate habit of any spreading pansy.
  • Superior overwintering hardiness – Cool Wave is the earliest pansy to return in the Spring.
  • Ideal for use in baskets, patio planters and as a groundcover.

White flowers develop light blue “frost” from the edges as they mature. Cool temperatures enhance the colour pattern. 

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Plant Information

Scientific Name : Viola x wittrockiana

Common Name : Spreading Pansy

Hardiness Zone : 5a - 5a

Blooming Season : Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Late Summer

Plant Habit : Spreading, Trailing

Spacing : 10 - 12" (25 - 30cm)

Height : 6 - 8" (15 - 20cm)

Width : 24 - 30" (61 - 76cm)

Exposure : Sun

Medal of Excellence Editor's Choice


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