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Kitchen Minis Perfect for Gardening 2021 Trends

If you’re like me and many others during COVID-19 lockdown, you probably cooked more at home with the fresh herbs and vegetables you grew yourself. The media took notice of this trend, too. There has been a HUGE increase in vegetable and herb gardening, and more folks are cooking at home. What’s perhaps even more exciting is that these trends are expected to continue and potentially grow in 2021.

According to the “2021 Garden Trends Report” (Garden Media Group, 2020), 67% of adults in the United States are growing or plan to grow edible plants! Many of these gardeners are first-timers; many of them are young; and many who want to grow their own food don’t have any outdoor space to do so.

PanAmerican Seed now has a wonderful option to service these consumers with our line of Kitchen Minis™ vegetables.

The Kitchen Minis collection consists of tomato and pepper varieties that consumers can grow inside or out. These are meant to be sold in small pots (4-8 inch depending on variety) that a consumer can grow on a sunny countertop, windowsill, or outside on a patio table or in a window box. Kitchen Minis plants are sold at retail not only with fruit emerging on the plant, but ideally they should have a few ripe fruit, essentially making these ready-to-harvest straight away. When properly cared for, the plants will produce fruit for several weeks, at which point a consumer can go back and buy more “living produce” that can be incorporated into tasty homemade meals.

Reach out to your preferred seed distributor to order Kitchen Minis varieties. They offer year-round opportunities in your vegetables program. You can provide a great opportunity for consumers to "grow their own" even without garden space. No garden? No problem.

Reader Comments (2)
I love how the Kitchen Mini's addresses the pain points of today's new customer. Living in small spaces, like apartments in the city can be tough on those who want to feel connected to nature and want to eat healthy. Now I can "garden" with more than just tropical foliage plants inside my low light space. I can't wait to try Kitchen Mini's!
Friday, February 19, 2021 | Becky Lacy
Where can I buy Kitchen minis in Québec ?
Thursday, April 14, 2022 | Boutin Johanne
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