During week 18, eight breeders in North-Holland will show their new assortment developments to growers, retailers and industry colleagues. These affectionately called "pack trials" have been a strong tradition for years and offer the perfect opportunity to view the latest pot and bedding plants on the greenhouse benches while discussing business possibilities on a one-to-one basis.
PanAmerican Seed will welcome visitors, by appointment only, from Monday 29th of April to Friday 3rd of May. Opening hours are from Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 17:00 hrs and on Friday from 08:00 - 15:00 hrs. Interested visitors are invited to make an appointment via the contact details below.
Prepare for the new season and discover hundreds of pot and bedding plants! Book your appointment for the Dutch Spring Trials now via your area manager:
Sjaak Ros – sros@panamseed.com
Sylvia Rocheteau – srocheteau@panamseed.com
Anne Dekker – adekker@panamseed.com
Willa You – yjou@panamseed.com
Jeroen Star – jstar@panamseed.com
Hussam Naser Eddin – heddin@panamseed.com
For marketing, please reach out to Eva Wijnker – van der Cruijsen (ewijnker@panamseed.com).