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Pansy & Viola Trials

Date: 2/26/2024 - 3/1/2024
Location: PanAmerican Seed Venhuizen, The Netherlands

Colourful biennials are filling the greenhouse!
It’s the time of the year that greenhouses are filled with pansies and violas! PanAmerican Seed is presenting their assortment of large-and small flowered violas at their location in the Netherlands during Week 9. This includes the current commercial assortment and future varieties that are planned for introduction in the coming year(s). They also included some competitor varieties in the trial, to show a good comparison.

PanAmerican Seed has a complete assortment of pansy and viola for landscapes, gardens, baskets and containers. The assortment includes spreading pansies, like Cool Wave® and small-flowered violas like Sorbet® (XP). These varieties are your top choices for Spring and Autumn planting. From small to large flowers and with upright or trailing habits, you will find an exciting range of core colours, novelties and mixes to meet your needs.

You are welcome to visit PanAmerican Seed’s Pansy and Viola Trials!
Please contact our area managers to schedule your visit.

Sjaak Ros
Willa Jing You
Anne Dekker
Sylvia Rocheteau
Pavel Koltsov
Hussam Naser Eddin

PanAmerican Seed Pansy & Viola Trials
Date: 26 February – 1 March, 2024
Location: Elbaweg 35, Venhuizen, the Netherlands

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