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Best-in-class genetics are created by our incredible breeding team, developed with innovative breeding techniques. With the help of the Ball Premier Lab, our products are produced with innovative seed technology providing you with our newest growing solutions!

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Potted Plants
93 plants
Begonia Foliage Silver Spot
Begonia pseudolubbersii
Campanula Campanella™ Blue
Campanula medium
Campanula Campanella™ Lavender
Campanula medium
Campanula Campanella™ Pink
Campanula medium
Celosia Concertina™ Mixture
Celosia cristata
Celosia Concertina™ Pink
Celosia cristata
Celosia Concertina™ Purple
Celosia cristata
Celosia Concertina™ Red
Celosia cristata
Celosia Concertina™ Red Dark Leaf
Celosia cristata
Celosia Concertina™ Yellow
Celosia cristata
Celosia Kosmo Cherry
Celosia spicata
Celosia Kosmo Mixture
Celosia spicata
Celosia Kosmo Orange
Celosia spicata
Celosia Kosmo Purple Red
Celosia spicata
Celosia Kosmo Salmon
Celosia spicata
Celosia Kosmo Yellow
Celosia spicata
Exacum Princess Deep Blue
Exacum affine
Exacum Princess White
Exacum affine
Exacum Royal Dane Deep Blue
Exacum affine
Exacum Royal Dane White
Exacum affine
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Bicolor Orange Yellow
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Bicolor Red White
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Cherry with Light Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Deep Orange with Dark Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Deep Rose with Light Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Mixture
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Red with Dark Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Red with Light Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Watermelon with Dark Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ White with Dark Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Yellow with Dark Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
2025 New Variety!
Gerbera ColorBloom™ Yellow with Light Eye
Gerbera jamesonii
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