Wave Potting Party in Chicago
Sarah Makiejus Global Marketing Manager

On June 6, the Wave Petunias team spent the evening with several Chicagoland-area tastemakers. Our goal was celebrating summer planting season, but also educating and engaging garden enthusiasts about our Wave Petunias.
The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois, USA was where our event took place, and our influencer host/partner was Heather Blackmore-Varkalis (@heatherhereshegrows). Heather is an amazing gardening communicator, and we were pleased to have her share her experience with Wave Petunias. As our potting party hostess, Heather helped us invite nearly 25 attendees. Together, our influencer and gardenwriter guests totaled more than 30K social impressions!
The night kicked off with cocktails and light bites, and the guests mingled before the instruction began. I was joined by our own Wave enthusiast, Katie Rotella, and we shared some sneak-peeks at new colors hitting the market next spring, along with planting recommendations for a well-rounded container.
You can read the "Here She Grows" blog about the event here. In addition to Heather's blog, most of the guests took photos, recorded videos, and made Instagram reels while planting up their own Wave Petunia container. (See some of their social media content in the photos below.) Each guest received a Wave apron and gardening gloves, too, so they can continue to garden with Wave.
Overall, our Wave Petunias Potting Party at the Morton Arboretum marked the beginning of summer gardening season, and our diverse group of influencers and garden media guests helped amplify the promotion of Wave Petunias and inspired their followers how easy it is to garden with the Wave brand.
These influencer parties continue to be an engaging way garden novices and experts alike can fully immerse themselves in our brand in an authentic and fun way!