2023 Singapore Trials: Gardens by the Bay
Jane Vathesatogkit South East Asia Sales
Gardens by the Bay, Singapore’s renowned horticultural destination, once again held their annual Breeder Cultivar Trial at the Research Glasshouses.

Singapore features a day-neutral tropical climate which means cultivars must prove themselves in hot, humid, and rainy conditions to stand out. And it is a competitive landscape market.
Top Performers from PanAmerican Seed
Several varieties from PanAmerican Seed that withstood these conditions were:

NEW Petchoa Caliburst™ Yellow

Interspecific Impatiens Solarscape® Magenta Bliss

Coleus Premium Sun Ruby Heart

NEW Coleus Premium Sun Coral Candy
November is the wettest month in Singapore, so the plants we trialed outdoors were receiving daily afternoon showers leading up to the event. This is the first time we’ve put Petchoa Caliburst and Interspecific Impatiens Solarscape intro trials in Asia. They all recovered well from the storms with minimal rain and disease damage. The Premium Sun Coleus also stood out in both indoor and outdoor conditions.
The Breeder Cultivar Trial not only provides valuable data to plant breeders and researchers but allows growers, landscapers, and other industry stakeholders to see how new genetics perform in real world conditions.
See what the Gardens by the Bay had to offer a couple of years ago at the Singapore Trials in my previous blog featuring a video from the UF IFAS Extension YouTube channel.