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Beacon Charity Announced for 2023

We’re shining the light on Friedreich’s ataxia (FA), a debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuro-muscular disorder affecting one in 40,000 people worldwide. Each year, PanAmerican Seed donates a percentage of its global seed sales of Beacon® Impatiens to a less-widely known charitable organization. For the 2023 garden season, we have chosen two foundations fighting this disease.

Beacon will partner with two charities: The Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA – US) and Friedreich Ataxia Research Association (fara – Australia). Both organizations are dedicated to pursuing scientific research leading to treatments and cures for FA. Beacon hopes to build awareness and show support for those living with this rare disease and your Beacon Impatiens purchase can make all the difference in the world.

Beyond the monetary donation at the completion of the 2023 season, PanAmerican Seed will raise further awareness of the FA fight through its social media channels, website and customer communication. fara (Australia) will promote local garden retailers and nurseries where Beacon Impatiens are sold.

As we enter our fourth year of charitable giving, we see the positive impact our customers and home gardeners are making through their purchases of Beacon Impatiens. In the spirit of bringing light – and happiness! – to gardens everywhere, we continue to be inspired by helping those in need around the globe.

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