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Blooming Trials For PanAmerican Seed Partners and Growers at Venhuizen

PanAmerican Seeds organized the Perennial Day and Summer Trials on August 23, 24 and 31 at our location of Venhuizen in the Netherlands. Our goal was to show growers, breeders and partners new and improved varieties of Dianthus, Perovskia and Heuchera, among other flowering plants. The three-day event also included discussions of plant data, potting and colour schemes, developments in breeding, and results of our trials as compared with those of our competitors.

Several people stand in a black-cloth field trial of perennials in containers. 

Glass greenhouses are the backdrop to several grower customers listening to a presenter in a trials display on black cloth.
PanAmerican Seeds holds these discussions to learn more about the market, its demands and our customers’ preferences. Future selections and decisions are made in the best interest of PanAmerican Seed and of our stakeholders based on what is learned from these gatherings.
“For PanAmerican Seed, it’s very important to create partnerships and come to a final product and positioning together. Input from these days leads to more adjustments, development and futureproofed products,” said Willem Jan Troost, Perennial Product Manager at Florensis, when asked about the objectives of the day. “Growers see good opportunities with new genetics.”
The day ended with a lunch, where partners, growers and colleagues could learn more from each other and discuss business opportunities.A lovely tray of sandwiches, desserts and refreshments sit on a table in the trials field.

Product managers discuss a row of dianthus on trial.

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