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Beacon Donation Helps Shine the Light On Pulmonary Fibrosis

This month, PanAmerican Seed announced that its 2021 charitable donation reached $81,000 from its percentage of Beacon® Impatiens global seed sales. This year’s charitable give-back – exceeding last year’s charitable donation – benefits two worthy organizations in the fight against Pulmonary Fibrosis. The Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (CPFF) and the Dutch Association of Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients (Pendersfonds) each received a check for $40,725 (US) on behalf of PanAmerican Seed and Beacon Impatiens.

What a great way to kick off the season of giving!

Beacon Impatiens continues to meet the needs of gardeners across the world with its colorful, long-lasting flowers for the shade, and it feels great each year to give back to others who are tackling challenges of their own. We are honored to share our success with two hard-working organizations like CPFF and Pendersfonds, and are pleased to support their efforts in fighting lung disease.

Watch for a new charity announcement for the 2022 sales season soon and stay tuned for ways to promote and contribute to Beacon’s cause-marketing campaigns.

Felicia Vandervelde (right) presents this year's Beacon charitable donation to Sharon Lee
of the Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

Ruud Brinkkemper (on screen) virtually presented the Beacon donation check to Pendersfonds to help support their efforts in the fight against lung disease.

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