Trial Highlights: Smith Gardens Inc.
Steven Engel Regional Account Manager
The Smith Gardens Inc. trials in Marysville, Washington are a key trial location for PanAmerican Seed in the Pacific Northwest. These trials are seen by growers, landscapers and broker representatives throughout the region. The team at Smith Gardens does an excellent job trialing new and existing varieties, and they give valuable feedback as to how these varieties perform in their location's unique environment.
I appreciate the partnership and all the effort the team at Smith Gardens puts into the trials to make them a success. Enjoy the videos below provided by their trials and marketing managers. They cover the PanAmerican Seed and Kieft Seed products planted in 2021.
Product was transplanted from plugs into larger containers around week 20 and then transplanted to the garden around week 25. Videos were filmed week 28 and 29.
To see the full 2021 Smith Gardens Inc. trial results online, visit their showcase at