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Trial Highlights: Colorado State University

Plant evaluations at Colorado State University took place on Aug. 3 and Sept. 10, and the trial directors have tallied various winners for several annual categories. PanAmerican Seed received three "Best of" by class distinctions for the 2021 season. Read the trials managers' feedback and comments below.

Best of Impatiens: Impatiens Beacon Rose "Clear rose colored flowers brighten the shady spots with their abundant blooms. Growth habit was very uniform and plants had excellent vigor. Full plants had the added advantage of being disease resistant to Impatiens downy mildew, which can be devastating to many impatiens."

Photo: Colorado State University

Best of Marigold: African Marigold Marvel II Gold "Floriferous plants looked good all summer and even late into the season. The dark green foliage, consistent bloom and uniform growth habit created an excellent overall appearance."

Photo: Colorado State University

Best of Petunia (ground, seed) Petunia E3 Easy Wave Blue "Vibrant purple/blue flowers provided a blanket of color in the ground with spreading plants and abundant flowering. Besides having good landscape performance, plants were also noted for desirable grower features such as being early to flower and the need for less plant growth regulators."

Photo: Colorado State University

To see full trial results from CSU, visit their website

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