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AAS Regional Award for Pot-a-peño Jalapeno Pepper

It’s another winning new variety from our PanAmerican Seed Vegetables team! All-America Selections has selected Pot-a-peño Jalapeno Pepper as a regional top performer in the Great Lakes and West/Northwest. Bred by pepper superstar Ellen Leue, Pot-a-peño has a unique cascading habit, so it makes an attractive hanging basket – perfect for small space gardeners looking to add a little flavor to their kitchen recipes.

Pot-a-peño produces tons of trailing fruit under a dense canopy of small, dark green leaves. It’s also one of the first peppers to fruit in the garden. It was this early maturing that impressed AAS judges. And besides its excellent habit, judges appreciated the ease of harvesting.

“Fruit came right off and didn’t damage stems,” one judge pointed out. “A very nice feature.”

Another judge commented that the flavor was mild and not overbearing to eat fresh. Pot-a-peño’s jalapeños can be harvested green for a traditional zip in any recipe or allowed to ripen to red for a sweet-spicy flavor.

Since 1932, All-America Selections judges new garden seed varieties in impartial trials throughout North America. Varieties designated as an AAS winner receives special promotion and recognition in consumer media.

As we mentioned in our announcement to the press, PanAmerican Seed is thrilled to launch this new variety with an All-America Selections honor. We can’t wait for home gardeners to enjoy it soon in their outdoor living spaces. Be sure to include Pepper Pot-a-peño in your spring assortment. Seed is available for immediate sales. Contact your preferred distributor to place an order.

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