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Congratulations, Ping!

I'm happy to share the news that my colleague Jian Ping Ren is the latest recipient of the All-America Selections Breeder's Cup — an award established to recognize a plant breeder who dramatically influences the world of horticulture. Ping is that person! Her contribution has brought to market so many improvements and breakthroughs to our industry, and we're proud to be part of her world.

You can read about all of Ping's achievements at our News & Events page. But here's just a few of her outstanding (and award-winning) accomplishments on behalf of PanAmerican seed and other breeding divisions of Ball Horticultural Company:

Wave Petunias

Mesa Gaillardia

'Cheyenne Spirit', PowWow series, and NEW Artisan Collection Echinacea

She's also contributed to the success of many vegetative varieties, including the Sombrero series of Echinacea from Darwin Perennials, and the award-winning Black Velvet and Bee's Knees Petunias from Ball FloraPlant.

As I shared with the AAS team at their recent annual Judges Meeting and Awards Ceremony, it's a great pleasure working with Ping on the Wave program. She is passionate, creative and always keeps first-of-mind that the products should fulfill the promise of the Wave brand performance of easy, spreading color.

To celebrate this distinguished honor, our Elburn team — and many of her colleagues around the world — tuned into the virtual AAS Judges Meeting to watch her accept the award. We also toasted her with sparkling juice and a few sweet treats.

Congratulations, Ping, and THANK YOU! The AAS Breeder's Cup is a well-deserved recognition, and we look forward to many more of your breakthroughs.

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