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UPDATE: California Spring Trials Event Cancelled

The annual California Spring Trials has always been one of our favorite events to connect with customers and everyone interested in learning about our newest introductions. So it is with sad hearts that we announce that our stop in Santa Paula, Calif., has been cancelled this month due to ongoing concerns for the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

As we all comply with social distancing rules in our daily lives, we hope you continue to reach out (digitally) to our website and with your preferred broker to stay educated on our products and programs. You can also reach out to our teams directly:

In the U.S. call 630-231-1400 or 800-231-7065 or email

In The Netherlands call +31 (0) 228-541-844 or email

Some good news: We will be sharing details soon about virtual opportunities to see and speak to our experts and learn about the new plants for retail 2021. Stay tuned! But for now, be sure to download the updated CAST | Mobile app to your phones or tablets. You can search for it at the App Store and at Google Play with the words "Ball Horticultural".

CAST | Mobile is a great way to explore all the plants that would have been on beautiful display at our facility in Santa Paula. The full 2021 assortment from PanAmerican Seed, Kieft Seed and Wave are featured, along with photos, plant info, and a "My Notes" feature to save favorites and comments.

We here at PanAmerican Seed hope you and yours stay in continued good health. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by coronovirus and we wish you the best.

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