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Year Of The Salvia nemorosa

Last month we wrote about Year Of The Snapdragon, the National Garden Bureau's initiative to draw positive gardener attention to the Snapdragon class of flowers. Now we showcase NGB’s perennial consumer promotion for 2019: Year Of The Salvia nemorosa.

Commercial greenhouses and retailers can share in this high-profile publicity in multiple ways. There are free downloadable presentations in the organizations SlideShare account. Garden retailers can contact NGB about ordering “Year Of The...” class posters, or you can download your own posters and signage in multiple sizes: 8 x 10 sign; 5 x 7 sign; 24 x 36 poster.

Interesting and informative “Did You Know” printables are also available for S. nemorosa. There’s a printable Salvia fact sheet, too.

There are even “Year Of...” T-shirts and SWAG items available at the NGB Zazzle store.

As a proud sponsor of the National Garden Bureau, PanAmerican Seed has ongoing communication with NGB marketing teams to provide photography and plant info. This helps sell Salvia nemorosa a success with home gardeners.

So, from outbound consumer newsletters to in-store support, watch Salvia get a big push in the market this year from NGB. Here are a few options from our Kieft Seed perennials by PanAmerican Seed to include:

S. nemorosa Salvatore Blue is brand-new for 2020. It has the tallest spikes and the deepest blue coloured calyx — and excellent alternative to vegetative salvia. With a critical daylength of 10 hours, it finishes in early Spring. The black stems offer a nice contrast to the colourful florets. Learn more about Salvatore Blue here.

Salvia New Dimension Rose

S. nemorosa New Dimension™ has deep colouration in Blue and Rose (pictured). The plants are large, but compact with flowers that last in the landscape. Both colours are well-matched and finish fast with no PGRs needed; fits easily into annual production schedules. Learn more about the New Dimension series here.

For more information about the National Garden Bureau and their efforts, visit their website

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