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Ground Breakers

Marzito F1 Tomato

Scientific Name : Solanum lycopersicum

Common Name : Tomato, Specialty Small-Fruited

Tomato Class : Small-Fruited

Type : Specialty Small-Fruited

Habit : Indeterminate

Tomato Colour : Red

Fruit Characteristics : Elongated, mini marzano

Fruit Size : 2-2.25 in./5-6 cm long x 0.5-0.75 in./1-2 cm wide

Disease Resistance : HR: F1, LM, N, TMV, ToMV

Days to maturity from transplant : 50-55

Marzito is versatile and perfect for all occassions – eating fresh off the vine, or cooking up in a quick sauce. The elongated shape is reminiscent of a small Roma tomato, which is great for cooking. The firm texture and sweet, rich flavour mean it can be eaten fresh like cherry and grape tomatoes. Great disease resistance, too, with resistance to leaf mold, fusarium, nematodes and tobacco mosaic virus. Best grown in the ground with support of a trellis or cage. 



Tomato Marzito
The specialty tomato Marzito is a mini-marzano with a great disease resistance package. It has rich texture and flavor. Learn more about it from the HandPicked Vegetables Collection.