Helix F1 Tomato
Scientific Name : Solanum lycopersicum
Common Name : Cherry, Small-Fruited
Tomato Class : Small-Fruited
Type : Cherry
Habit : Indeterminate
Tomato Colour : Bright red
Fruit Characteristics : Elongated, medium
Fruit Size : 1-1.4 in./3-4 cm long x 1 in./3 cm wide, 0.3-0.5 oz. (9 to 14 g)
Disease Resistance : HR: LB, N, TMV, ToMV
Days to maturity from transplant : 50-55
Helix will win the hearts of farmers and consumers alike with its excellent resistance to Late Blight and well-balanced, sweet flavour. Helix performs well in open field production, particularly in climates that benefit from resistance to Fusarium Race 1 and 2, Late Blight, Nematodes, Tobacco and Tomato Mosaic Virus, and Verticillium.