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A great FlowerTrials week for PanAmerican Seed

Denise van Kampen - former EU marketing associate
Thursday, June 27, 2019

This was an exciting week, with many visitors and of course, an abundance of beautiful and colourful flowers. Just like previous years, PanAmerican Seed participated in the FlowerTrials, and it was a successful week according to the whole PanAmerican Seed team. FlowerTrials is an excellent opportunity to showcase all our new varieties, as well as our wide assortment of products. Plus, it was exciting to catch up with customers, growers, journalists and other flower fanatics. Over 1,400 visitors from all over the world took the opportunity to visit the show.

When you arrived at our location in the Aalsmeer region, you would have passed the outside perennial area before entering the greenhouse. Among many other perennials, this area included a beautiful and impressive field of our Lavandula Bandera, including the two new colours: Deep Purple and Deep Rose.

We divided the greenhouse into many different sections, starting with the new variety area. We presented over 100 new varieties, including the Fleuroselect Golden Medal Winner NEW Leucanthemum Madonna, our NEW Zinnia Zesty™ series and NEW French Marigold Flamenco.

One of the other areas was entirely focused on our Petunia Wave® and Pansy Cool Wave® series. All four Petunia Wave series were shown, including NEW Easy Wave® Lavender Sky Blue. NEW Cool Wave Strawberry Swirl and Raspberry Swirl were also presented together, along with the complete colour range of the series.

Next, you would have arrived in the Begonia area. Near BabyWing®, Dragon Wing®, Gryphon and Megawatt™ were five new Tuberous Begonia series. AmeriHybrid® Picotee, AmeriHybrid Roseform, AmeriHybrid Ruffled, On Top® and Sun Dancer™ series were showcased at the event, and all featured unique colour ranges, flower forms and sizes.

Another part of FlowerTrials 2019 demonstrated how PanAmerican Seed also offers delicious vegetables and herbs. In a small forest filled with vegetables and herbs, we presented a big portion of our edible varieties – many ideal for patio use! For the maximum experience, you could even taste four of our Basil varieties, including NEW Basil Newton and Everleaf Emerald Towers. Most people liked the traditional sweet Genovese flavour of our Basil Dolce Fresca best, but also enjoyed the more distinguished flavour of the two new varieties.

The potted plant section was decorated with colourful totem poles that had different potted plants on top of each, including NEW Celosia Concertina™ series, NEW Campanula Campanella™ series, Ornamental Peppers and several Gerbera series from JHL breeding.

Last but not least, the bench and restaurant area completed the show. Each bench had its own theme, some focusing on colour, while others showed a specific series. The absolute highlight of the bench area was NEW Impatiens Beacon™ series. This Impatiens series has high resistance to Impatiens downy mildew, which was demonstrated in a small disease-inoculated trial where we compared the new Beacon series with another series currently on the market that is sensitive to IDM. The results were incredible!

Thanks again for a great week! We enjoyed meeting with all the visitors! Please save the date for the next FlowerTrials event, which will take place June 9-12, 2020. Hope to see you next year!

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