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Climate Adaptive Products from PanAmerican Seed

Eva Wijnker-van der Cruijsen - Event & Project Coordinator
Monday, December 9, 2024

2024 was a year of extreme weather: A very wet, cold Spring followed by a late, hot Summer. In Dutch, we have a saying: "There is nothing as unpredictable as the weather." That’s definitely what we saw and were challenged with this year.

This left many of us with a question: How can we deal with these changing, extreme weather conditions? How can we breed for products that are resilient to environmental stress, making them suitable for unpredictable and extreme weather conditions?

There is increasing need for plants that have high drought, heat or cold tolerance, that stand up to high temperatures, and that have adaptability to diverse soil types. We’ve got you covered. Find out more about our different products below.

Drought tolerance   see full list >>

Begonia Dragon Wing®

Vinca Pacifica XP


Heat tolerance   see full list >>

Angelonia Serena®

Coleus, Premium Sun


Cold tolerance    see full list >>

Osteospermum Akila®

Salvia New Dimension™


Rain tolerant    see full list >>

Rudbeckia Goldblitz

Viola Sorbet®


Perennials    see full list >>

Leucanthemum Madonna

Echinacea Artisan™

Watch for more climate-adaptive genetics on the market from PanAmerican Seed. We are breeding with your and our future in mind. These are genetics that are disease resistant, genetics that last longer, and genetics that are durable in all kinds of weather conditions.

Reach out if you want to find out more!

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